Booth, E.M., G. Creacy, and N. Fowler. 2019. Burn severity and post-fire erosion control affect post-fire woody plant recruitment. Natural Areas Journal 39(2):189-196
Booth, E.M., T. Haydt, S. Henry, and B.J. Sewall. Submitted Jan. 2020, Journal of Forest Research. Radial growth of broadleaf and coniferous trees differs by stem reduction treatment and time of year.
Booth, E.M., G. Creacy, and N. Fowler. Potential alternate trajectories following mixed-severity wildfire in a pine-oak woodland.
Booth, E.M., G. Creacy, and N. Fowler. Herbaceous plant community recovery following a mixed-severity wildfire.
[Full author list TBD]. Characterization of non-native and invasive plant species in central Texas.
2014: Interview for the University of Texas at Austin College of Natural Sciences.
2014: Interviewed on 'They Blinded Me with Science', a science radio show on UT Austin's station KVRX.